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Summer Camp Information


Camp drop off time is between 9:00-9:15am.

Camp pickup time is between 3:45-4:00pm.

Please note that we cannot accommodate early drop off times or late pick up times


Heeling House takes the safety of our campers extremely seriously. We ask that you walk your camper inside each morning to drop them off and sign them in, and come inside to pick them up and sign them out each afternoon. Only persons listed on the camper’s information form are authorized to pick up and sign out your camper. Under no circumstances will your child be allowed to leave our program with an unauthorized person. Please let us know, by way of written note, if your camper(s) have permission to be picked up by someone other than you or an individual listed on your camp application. Photo identification is required of these individuals and will be checked upon arrival.


LATE PICK UP FEES: We understand that there are occasional situations that prevent a parent from arriving to pick up their child on time. Parents must notify Heeling House staff as soon as possible if they are unable to pick up their child on time.  The following procedures are used when there is a child still at the program after their scheduled end time:

The parent will receive a one-time verbal warning which is documented.

Should this occur again, the late fee is $1.00 per minute up to an hour after the scheduled end time of camp. During this time, the supervisors will make every effort to contact the child’s parents and/or emergency contacts.

If the child is not picked up within an hour of the scheduled end time of camp and we have not been able to contact anyone on the information form, the child will be taken to the Loudoun County Police Department.

Late fees will be applied to your account and must be paid upon arrival. Unpaid late fees will result in withdrawal from programs and could prohibit future program attendance.



The Junior Trainer Summer Camps require you to register and pay in full by the start of camp. Please note that there are no payment adjustments or credits given for absences, except for extreme cases that will be handled and authorized by the Executive Director. Any withdrawals must be in writing and brought to the Heeling House office.



If you withdraw from a camp 14 calendar days or more from the camp start date you will have the following options:

Option 1) Request a Program Credit. Credit the customer’s account with the balance for a future class, camp, special event, or program. Credits must be used within one year.

Option 2) Request a Program Refund minus a $50 processing fee.

If you withdraw from a camp less than 14 calendar days from the start date you will not receive a refund.



Appropriate behavior is expected of all participants during the summer camp programs. Respectful interactions between campers, staff, and the animals are essential to having a successful program experience. Bullying, fighting, inappropriate behavior/language and continual disregard for camp policies and procedures cannot and will not be tolerated. Camp staff will do their best to redirect any misbehavior and resolve any issues to achieve a positive outcome for all involved. If positive outcomes cannot be achieved, or if a camper exhibits continuous disruptive or dangerous behavior, Heeling House reserves the right to suspend or dismiss the camper from the program without refund.



It is extremely important that we have all necessary medical information concerning your child. The responsibility for administering medications rests with the camper’s parent or legal guardian. No camp staff is permitted to administer medication without parental consent. It is important that all medication be taken at home if possible. No medication is to be sent to camp unless it is a prescription drug for preventive reasons or emergency conditions such as seizures, heart conditions, asthma, or allergy conditions.

These preventive or emergency medications may be sent to camp if the rules listed below are followed:

1. Note from the doctor stating name of medication, how it is to be given, amount, time and diagnosis of illness. The medication must be presented in the original package with prescription label attached.

2. Note from parent or legal guardian giving approval for the medication to be administered by the camper under staff supervision.

3. If medication must be administered by camp staff, training by the parent or doctor must be done prior to the start of camp.

Please contact Heeling House as soon as possible if any of these situations apply to your child.



Heeling House does not provide lunch for campers. Our camp day will consist of time for snacks as well as lunch for all campers. Campers should bring a sack lunch, 2 snacks, as well as a water bottle. We ask that you please send your camper’s lunch free of any nut products. We recommend that lunch be packed in an insulated pack, as refrigerator space is unavailable.

Please contact Heeling House as soon as possible if your child has a severe dietary restriction.



Proper attire is required for all camps. Proper attire consists of closed toed shoes and comfortable clothing. Please be aware that while working with animals, clothes may become slightly dirty, so please dress your child accordingly! We encourage campers to bring an extra set of clothes to change into if needed.

*We adhere to CDC guidelines, therefore, at this time masks are optional for all campers and staff members



Backpacks are permitted at camp, but we suggest that anything valuable be left at home. Please make sure all items are clearly labeled with your child’s name. Neither Heeling House nor its staff are responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property. The following list of items is prohibited at camp:

· Electronic including CELL PHONES***         

· iPods/MP3 players

· Video games

· Knives or any type of weapon

· Toy guns

· Cell phones


*** – Camp staff have access to a phone if parents need to be contacted. If a parent needs to reach their child or camp staff for any reason, please contact Heeling House at 703-661-6610.

If a child brings a prohibited item to camp, the item will be confiscated and returned to his/her parent at the end of the day. These items are prohibited in order to eliminate any disruption or safety concern that may arise from their use.


***Children are permitted to bring a cell phone to camp, however the phone must remain with their belongings for the duration of camp and may not be used or taken out during camp without permission from staff members. If your child is in violation of this rule, their phone will be confiscated and returned to his/her parent at the end of the day.

Please establish these rules with your children prior to the start of camp in order to ensure a successful and fun opportunity for all!

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