Get Involved
There are several ways to get involved with Heeling House, both with and without a dog! Take a look at the options below and see how you can join today. All of volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and agree to a criminal background check.
Become a Therapy Dog Team
All Therapy Dog teams with Heeling House are required to have passed a therapy dog evaluation with Pet Partners upon initial entry. If you and your dog are registered with Pet Partners and looking for fulfilling opportunities working with children in Loudoun and Fairfax County, we look forward to meeting you all soon!

Become a Non-Dog Volunteer
Don't have a dog? Don't worry! We're always looking for help from individuals who have a passion for helping but don't have a furry friend to do it with. We have plenty of opportunities for those without therapy dogs, including but not limited to:
assisting at hospitals, school visits, libraries, and many of our other programs
participating in special events and functions
assisting with Service Dog enrichment activities
caring for and watching over newborn puppies
If any of those interest you, reach out to us today!
Become a Puppy Raiser
We are always looking for qualified puppy raisers to help make our Service Dog program possible!
Puppy raisers are an integral part of our service dog program. Puppy’s are placed in their raisers' homes at 8 weeks old, and stay with their raisers for one year. During this year, raisers meet 1 time per week to work on obedience training and socialization.
Don't have time to commit to a year? No problem! Puppy raisers work together and many puppies in the program are co-raised, allowing families to raise a puppy without a full year commitment.
Being a puppy raiser is a big responsibility, but is one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do, plus it’s a lot of fun! You'll meet a fantastic set of like-minded dog lovers and join a family of individuals dedicated to giving back in a selfless way.
If you feel that you have the time and love needed to become a puppy raiser, we encourage you to request a puppy raiser application to learn more!

Offer Skills or Expertise
Do you have any special skills or hobbies? Perhaps you have a passion for grant writing or are a graphic designing enthusiast. Maybe you have a new camera and enjoy photographing pups hard at work or love planning events. Whatever the case may be, we're always looking for skills and expertise to help us in a variety of different areas!
Contact us with any special skills or passions that you're willing to share!